I am having surgery to repair the meniscus soon. I have been very active running, hiking, rowing, biking and weightlifting for many years. I appear to be a poster child for playing sports without one. How can Blair play at a professional level without an ACL to call his own? Two-time Super Bowl champion Hines Ward played 217 games in the NFL as a wide receiver without an ACL in his left knee, making exactly 1,000 catches for 12,083 yards. Most say that are not back to previous athletic levels until 2+ years later (if ever). Explaining ACL injuries. This article is very encouraging and I hope to return to my previous activities. Read more Sports Doc for Sports Medicine and Fitness. For some reason, even without his ACL, his knee remained stable. However, I feel like I will have the surgery and focus on strengthening so I am better prepared for a lifetime of activity. Some high level athletes have also returned to competitive football without … But John wasn’t like most athletes. They can help you understand if your knee laxity might be a danger to you if your ACL is torn.   Athletes that can return to activity without ACL surgery have been described as "copers" (being able to cope without an intact ACL). Part of me feels surgery may be better but it’s a long road either way. Never saw a doctor but would occasionally have some instability. The anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL, is one of the four main ligaments that support the knee. It provided just enough protection to get me comfortable. Fortunately, there are numerous methods for preventing an ACL injury playing football. Traumatic anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries can occur in the course of a moment— and bring your athletic season to a sudden and definite halt. On average, it takes 9-12 months to return playing soccer after ACL reconstruction surgery. I’d love to know the supplements, exercises, and stretches you did to keep your legs strong, since it appears we have similar cases. I have no regrets and was able to play a season with it torn, get surgery, and recover in time for the next season. I don’t mind the strenuous post-op rehab but the surgeon says that he cannot guarantee positive outcomes which is why I am apprehensive about getting it done. I know several other athletes without ACLs and they all do single-leg exercises and stretch everyday. The risk is too great for permanent damage that would ultimately lead to the need for knee replacement at a later time.  The good news is that with minimally invasive arthroscopic surgery and aggressive rehabilitation, we are very successful at returning athletes to their pre-injury level of activity. I’m not sure I would have found the same success with a lesser commitment to my physical health. learning to cope without it is key to living life without an ACL. In 1978, a torn ACL was a career-ending injury for most athletes. Consult with them about your decisions and give them feedback as time progresses. Tearing your ACL is never fun. They found that only 72% of soccer players returned to play soccer after ACL … Even though I would tear it again in 10 years, I believe that the process of playing without it, repairing it, and then rehabbing it and strengthening it, led me to my ability to successfully function without it now. This is so crazy – pretty much the same thing happened to me but in the opposite knee. Sure enough, the ACL was gone! The Wolverines’ starting center tore the ACL and meniscus in his left knee while playing football in the fall, and like Martin — with no plan to play sports in college — he elected to put off surgery until basketball season was over. Luckily I convinced my parents it wasn’t crazy. I was happy with my decision to play the year with the ACL torn at that time. I am back on the pitch playing pivoting sports but am also contemplating surgery. Would you be able to share with me the exercises and stretches you’ve been doing? Symptoms of an ACL injury include pain, extensive knee swelling, a feeling of instability in the knee and loss of range of motion. Like you, I’ve also been playing many sports (basketball, ultimate, volleyball) at a high level without an ACL. Research shows that 90 percent of people with a torn ACL have significant problems or re-injury and only 10% of the patients did … I tore my ACL on my left leg (at least that’s what the doc said). But John wasn't like most athletes. The name Fancesco Totti is virtually synonumous with Roma, the famous soccer team that inhabits "The Eternal City." Although he couldn't play football for … One of the holy grails of ACL research at the moment is identifying those tests which enable you to identify those individuals who will cope without an ACL and those who will not. Anyways, how are you doing this far out? Unfortunately, I tore it doing a rather benign activity. For more information about ACL football injuries, or to schedule an appointment, visit us here or contact us at 1-800-321-9999. In the mean time, I am trying to see how strong I can get my knee without surgery. He took my acl. Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. Most of my issues with the torn ACL knee tend to happen when that leg is very fatigued. What was it like playing a season with no ACL? Even the best orthopedic doctors cannot tell if your ACL is torn without an MRI. I cannot speak to their adherence to the rehab or stretching either. I got my MRI results today and found out I have a torn meniscus and no visible ACL. Obviously, if you’re young or a professional prospect with a long career ahead of you, you’ll want to have surgery. But if you’re like me and you just want to squeeze as many games out of your remaining time as possible, you can play without your ACL. I would think to play without one you would need to wear some kind of brace to keep you from over extending (plu you do not want to stress the 3 ligaments you have left). The graft lasted a long time. There is now a testing battery that can identify players who can function without the ACL. The post is very useful, I learned a lot from it. The doctor actually thought my knee was extraordinarily stable for someone with a torn ACL. The risk of playing with an ACL injured knee is severe and permanent damage to the remaining meniscus cartilage and the joint surface cartilage. I played very well even though I was admittedly not at 100% of my potential. In my current state, I happily play multiple sports, engage in intense physical activity, and believe that I have managed to find a balance of rehabilitation and therapeutic mechanisms that allow me to function at 99% of my ability without an ACL in my right knee. Soccer. I finished the year as an All-State, All-Conference, and All-Area player. I am 46 and just tore my left ACL playing tennis. After a couple weeks of rehab however, my knee feels very stable again. Similarly, I have strong legs and the doctor has noticed there isnt the laxity in my knee that is common with other patients, and I’ve stayed active despite the lack of an ACL. I tore my ACL the first time playing football in high school. When I had initially torn my ACL and played through the entire football season without it, I wore a heavy-duty Donjoy ACL brace.not the best unless you’re playing football or another major contact support. Thanks for posting this. I was certain I had sustained some form of significant knee injury. At the time, I had actually started practicing and doing strength and conditioning again before we got the MRI results back. It’s good to know that you’ve worked hard during your time and had a good experience after another tear. Yes! I did a patella graft. Not all patients who injure their ACL require a reconstruction. So to your point, that's soccer, that's pivoting sports like tennis, especially singles, you can run without an ACL, that's generally fine if you're in that group. This is why I believe that I am able to function now without one. I was back to all of my normal activities immediately. I tore my ACL (for the first time) playing basketball against my students and am a bit apprehensive about the surgery. But it turns out that most people do not qualify as copers and the risk of returning to play without having corrective surgery is so great that most will not choose that route. However, I can say that most good PT’s are familiar with the best ACL rehab protocols these days. Post ACL surgery is a very important stage in the person's life. Where you happy with that decision in retrospect? While this was OK for playing football, it was terrible for all other activities. These problems include persistent giving way, swelling, locking and pain. What do you recommend to those reading this? A recent study by Hetsroni et al in the August 2013 journal of Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy showed that a quarter of recreational skiers with ACL injuries can be treated non-operatively. Cartilage is the Holy Grail of orthopaedics and sports medicine.  We do a very good job a reconstructing the ACL but our results with cartilage repair are adequate at best. I did not have a lot of pain after the injury, so I practiced the rest of the day with the team without restriction. Fantastic. But, keep in mind, after my first surgery I made my legs very strong to prevent future injuries. Just started getting arthritic pains and felt me first couple of buckling issue when I twist.Joined the army, continued to play soccer and now coach, let’s see what the results say? Within six-eight months of treatment for an ACL football injury, most athletes have fully recovered and are able to resume playing at levels comparable to before their injury. The evidence on hamstring grafts makes me nervous if you’re an athlete. These are some supplements that I believe have helped to some degree (not any kind of affiliate link, just a list of some broad supplements that I actually take). I planted on my right leg to make a tackle and my knee popped and buckled. When the ACL doesn't work, these rotational forces are transmitted to the other knee structures resulting in tearing of the meniscus and damage to the joint surface cartilage. I injured my knee 12 years ago playing softball and after a couple days of rest and ice I was back to normal. Research shows that 90 percent of people with a torn ACL have significant problems or re-injury and only 10% of the patients did ok without surgery. However, most of my issues with the knee that has a torn ACL comes from when the leg is tired or fatigued due to long periods of exercise/activity or after really tough workouts. I cannot speak to the difficulty of playing volleyball with a torn ACL. I have friends who’ve torn multiple times, and I really didn’t want to have surgery more than once. I’ve heard about stem cells for partial tears. It was a non-contact injury during a football scrimmage in the summer. It is possible to compete at a high level successfully without an ACL. We can fix the ACL but we don't do a good job at fixing the joint surface cartilage. However, I can say that I have safely played football, wrestled, and competed at the world’s highest levels of jiu jitsu without an ACL in my left leg. My knee felt loose immediately after the injury. It is generally accepted that patients who do not play change of direction sports can, in some cases manage well without an ACL. It was informative and non-biased and gives hope. These almost always happened without contact when I was backpedaling. The non-contact nature of these injuries re-enforces that it is highly likely that these injuries are caused by abnormal movement patterns. What Broadway Joe proved is that a torn ACL, despite bracing, results in severe damage to the knee joint. I don’t want surgery again but I’m not nearly as strong as you. Everyone is different. How did you fare with the ACL rehab and stretching? What brace is best for someone without an ACL? Great post and comments, thanks for sharing. The next morning, I woke up and my knee was considerably swollen and tender. It is clear some people are unable to get to a point where they can comfortably play athletics without an ACL despite extensive rehab. This is commonly what you see NFL offensive linemen wearing as a preventative measure. The ACL makes up half of your cruciform ligaments, which cross through the middle of the knee joint. What did the doctors recommend in place of ACL surgery? she Just had the surgery to remove everything from the first botched surgery and at this time she has no ACL …. This particular exercise seems to receive varying answers. Consider this practice for all long term goals in life. Robert H Brophy, M.D. Yes. While the doctors were a bit skeptical that I would be satisfied without having the ACL repaired, they agreed that my stability and confidence in the knee’s strength might allow me to get along fine. There are a few circumstances where an athlete might choose to rehab and play without surgery such as the national championship game for a college player or the state championship event for a high school player. My right acl was repaired after the semi finals Master Worlds 4 years ago. Most ACL injuries occur when you’re running and make a sudden stop to change directions. Even now, this is considered a controversial decision. Thank you for this post. I used mainly resistance bands and single-leg movements. This was 15 years later. This is a longer turnaround period than basketball, but the severity of the player’s injury, the pitch grass they most often play in, … I have yet to have the ACL repaired after the second complete tear. Joe Namath was the first famous athlete to return to sports without ACL surgery, which in his day was usually career-ending. At that time, I was not physically developed enough to live life without an ACL. No matter if he does the surgery now vs. after the season, he will likely not feel 100% the way he did before the injury by next season. Braces simply do not work in preventing injury to other knee structures after ACL injury and this has been proven with a multitude of studies. Have you experienced any pain and what did the doctors says about future cartilage damage or arthritis? I am doing an extensive research to try and find a way to allow her to do this !! There is a lot of debate about this now. I also got the patellar tendon and my knee has been great ever since. I am so torn. Hall-of-Famer John Elway is one of the most successful quarterbacks of all … THE GREAT DILEMMA….Trying to get him nutritionally strong in the meantime.Thank you for your article. That is turning, stepping. Would you be able to email me you routine along with list of supplements and diet? You decided to play football without an ACL? There are people who can lead normal life & can play even after their ACL INJURY/ partial tear/ complete tear. Non-operative management of a complete anterior cruciate ligament injury in an English Premier League football player with return to play in less than 8 weeks: applying common sense in the absence of evidence I felt a little unstable and unsure at first. Were you happy that you elected to avoid ACL surgery? I would love to get info about your exercises and stretches. The surgical options at the time were about as good as they were now. However, the best knee brace I have ever worn hands down was this new Bauerfeind brace. I think this is a big part of my success. I am sure of this. I made my legs very very strong in that time period and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. It is really common that people tear them a third time or face terrible arthritis in the future (although this is possible no matter what you do in these circumstances). I opted to do the MRI anyway since they said it might be good to check my meniscus due to the swelling I noticed. ACL injuries account for 40% of all sports injuries (c) OrthoInfo website. If the knee gives way in the brace, the athlete and his parents could then decide to … That said, if you plan to play football or another contact support without an ACL. It provided just enough protection to get me comfortable. That said, if you plan to play football or another contact support without an ACL. Then there is a third of people that need it for everything, and that is walking down the stairs and saying hi to your friend. It connects the femur to the tibia through the center of the knee. Some athletes don’t have buckling or giving way with an ACL-deficient knee, so a custom brace might be a reasonable option. There are a lot of people that have not had my experiences. However, there are many who have tried and failed. That said, I’m not sure there’s a lot of supplement I recommend outside of the traditional stuff that you would take to ensure proper muscle recover/etc. I tore my right ACL when I was 18. I only had 2 incidents in that time period where the knee really bothered me. Can you play sports with a torn ACL? Anything that can help ensure that muscle recovery and endurance are helped would be recommended. This was in 2004. The recovery time until return to play is usually in the range of nine months but can be longer or shorter. After the injury, it was sore and a little swollen at first. Like you I chose to dance and not get it repaired. Make sure to get a PT that has worked with real athletes before. Have an MRI tomorrow morning for 19.5 year soccer injury. The bad news is, with a torn ACL, you probably want to shut your season down, have surgery, and come back strong next year. No brace is 100% effective. Specifically they look at soccer players and identify risk factors that could indicate risks for reinjury or never playing soccer after the injury at all. After a year I was comfortable and my … Meniscus tear: Continuing to play pivoting type sports such as football with an acl tear may lead to recurrent episodes of the knee buckling and damage to the … I played the entire season with it torn and had it repaired in the off-season. The good news is that after we repair it surgically, you can return from the injury and pick right back up where you left off. thanks for sharing your experience i would be so greatfull if you could share your exercise program with me.. My son just tore his ACL and has decided to play his senior year. My son is thinking have the surgery now with longer recovery time so he can be ready for his senior year next year. I am debating on what to do. Injury to this cartilage means early and progressive arthritis. Which is better? My fear is I don’t do surgery now and need a worse surgery in 10 or 15 years when I am much older. The doctors did the standard movement test and felt that I did not have enough laxity in the knee (which was a good thing) to warrant a torn ACL diagnosis. I was concerned about stability being an issue that could progressively get worse. Sprain vs. Strain: What’s the Difference? If you tear your acl, it can be reconstructed, but other innjuries, like a torn meniscus, are not all reparable. I suffered a torn ACL in the same knee on two different occasions. But what if an athlete could return to sports without ACL surgery? For athletes, because the risk of permanent damage is so great, we advise against non-operative treatment. Did you know immediately that it had torn again? However, most people go on to have continued episodes of instability causing additional injury if they return to sporting activities without surgery. I was a prof ballet dancer and fell rehearsing the nutcracker. I couldn’t straighten or bend my knee fully for over a year. I had 3-4 instances during actual games in which my knee buckled or gave out. In fact, I recommend shredding the brace as soon as you can. Totti played his entire career for Roma, and his incredible tenure earned him recognition as one of the greatest Captains to play the game. The first time I tore my ACL I was in high school. In general, an ACL injury occurring in a young athlete or in a middle aged athlete unwilling to change his or her activity level requires surgery to safely return to sports. RETURN TO SPORT AFTER ACL INJURY. So, I’d been doing it for over a decade when I tore it. These heavy-duty braces provide a lot of stability but almost no functional mobility. So, then you tore the repaired ACL, right? Usually these sportsmen are highlighted when it comes to non operative Rx of ACL. After my second tear and life without an ACL, I chose to wear a small sleeve brace for the first year. The doctors agreed with me. You will need one for the MRI anyways. I felt as though I could play football and I didn’t want to miss a year because of the injury. They said they had never seen a knee with such strength and lack of laxity without an ACL. I received a Knee bar from an over anxious white belt who didn’t know what he was doing. i was so sad I had to get surgery again, but surprisingly my surgeon said that I probably won’t need it. For athletes who wish to return to pivoting sports, the typical advice is an ACL reconstruction after 4–8 weeks when full range of motion is established and there is no joint swelling. Thanks for sharing! Advertisement. Why did you opt for surgery after 1 year? The 2005 Super Bowl MVP even went on to compete in an Ironman triathlon after his retirement — proving perhaps that there is nothing you cannot do without an ACL. I would have never been able to do that if I would have been laid up with surgery. She is going into her Senior year and wants to play first and have the ACL Construction surgery after the season is over ! Once I stopped dancing, I suffered severe knee pain and finally had the surgery. It could be better than playing without a brace, though. Additionally, the long-term prognosis on a knee after a second ACL surgical intervention isn’t sunshine and rainbows. I just knew I had to be careful with lateral movements. For the majority, an ACL … The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is one of four cruciate ligaments located in the knee. 4 months after tearing it the second time, I took 3rd in the Brazilian Jiu jitsu European Championships. For some reason, even without his ACL, his knee remained stable. I have heard from tons of non-ACL-having people through this blog, and all of them that have tried this brace had the exact same feedback… best brace ever. Griswold senior Jared Strmiska wasn’t having it, either. The ACL is the main stabilizing ligament in the knee.  It prevents excessive rotation of the knee joint that can occur with cutting and pivoting motions such as those in football, soccer, basketball and other similar sports. This is the only way to confirm a torn ACL! After 6 months, I had shed the brace. Fitbit vs Whoop for your workout recovery. I am happy to share more info about my exercises and stretched in the comments. I had a small amount of instability, but nothing like my first ACL tear. California residents do not sell my data request. The ACL is the main ligament used when planting and cutting, a common football maneuver to “fake out” an opponent. With his fingers crossed. I felt that at 16-17 years old, it was probably responsible to have the ACL repaired. Back then they took a chunk out of my patella tendon and made me a single ligament to replace them. What about braces? I was just young and athletic. It was during soccer, and it was actually very painful but then came to learn I also had an MCL sprain, and partial tear of the lateral meniscus. There are a lot of doctors that argue that, with proper rehab and attention, a cadaver graft is just as strong. At the end of the season, I opted for the surgery so that I could recover in time for the next year. I did not know how to strengthen my knee or body to live life – or compete in a sport – without my ACL.

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